
Barbados Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Barbados Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Barbados Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the ChildThe Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion(ISI) submittted supplemental information for the consideration of the Committee on the Rights of the Child regarding Barbados’ compliance towards every child’s right to acquire a nationality under Article 7...

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The Violence of Gender Discrimination in Nationality Laws

The Violence of Gender Discrimination in Nationality Laws

The Violence of Gender Discrimination in Nationality LawsUpon first glance, gender-based violence (GBV) and laws pertaining to citizenship may seem worlds apart. In fact, there are significant links between women’s nationality rights and GBV.  During these #16Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, it is a good time to consider how gender discrimination in...

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Support Gender Equal Nationality Rights

Support Gender Equal Nationality Rights

Support Gender Equal Nationality RightsGender discrimination in nationality laws results in significant and wide-ranging human rights violations, including: statelessness; obstacles to accessing education, healthcare and social services; links with gender-based violence, human trafficking and child marriage; political disenfranchisement; poverty and social...

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Joint submission on Bahrain to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations

Joint submission on Bahrain to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations

Joint submission on Bahrain to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations In this submission, Equality Now, the Bahrain Women’s Union, and the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights provide information and highlight concerns about sex discrimination in the law with regard to nationality in Bahrain. The submission also includes key recommendations regarding...

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