A Mother’s Testimony: Baby Denied Travel Document Due to Gender Discrimination in Malaysia’s Nationality Law
A Mother's Testimony: Baby Denied Travel Document Due to Gender Discrimination in Malaysia's Nationality Law This is the testimonial of Mashithah Abdul Halim, a Malaysian woman who cannot access a travel document or identity documentation for her baby because Malaysia's nationality law denies women the same right as men pass nationality to their children born...
Links between Gender Discrimination in Nationality laws, Statelessness and Trafficking – Submission to CEDAW Committee
Links between Gender Discrimination in Nationality laws, Statelessness and Trafficking - Submission to CEDAW CommitteeThe Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights and Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion provided the CEDAW Committee with information on the links between gender discrimination in nationality laws, statelessness, and human trafficking. The...
A Call for States to Grant Women and Men Everywhere Equal Citizenship
A Call for States to Grant Women and Men Everywhere Equal CitizenshipBy Catherine Harrington, Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights Campaign Manager and Associate Director, Women's Refugee Commission This week in Geneva, the United Nations will mark the midway point of the UN Refugee Agency’s 10-year #Ibelong Campaign to End Statelessness. The Global Campaign...
High Level Segment on Statelessness: Civil Society Perspectives and Contribution
High Level Segment on Statelessness: Civil Society Perspectives and Contribution
Allow Equal Right for Malaysian Men and Women to Confer Nationality on Spouses and Children
Allow Equal Right for Malaysian Men and Women to Confer Nationality on Spouses and ChildrenOriginally published in the New Strait Times, March 25, 2019. The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) urges the government to reform Malaysia’s nationality laws, to allow equal right for Malaysian men and women to confer nationality on their spouses and children....